Yesterday was my MUET and MunSyI exam. Alhamdulillah, everything was going fine. MUET started at 8a.m. while MunSyI was at 4p.m.
7.45a.m. candidates were allowed to enter examination was quite surprising when i saw the private individual candidates took part about one over three of the total number of first,i thought it won't be that much..huhu but it made me more relax..
First paper was 800/3 Reading that contains 45 questions with long 6 passages. Frankly speaking, the paper was not so tough but still, lack of practice won't help. The passages were easy to understand but i was distracted by some words that i don't know the meanings..huhu..but Alhamdulillah, i manage to answer all questions before while.
Writing is my weakest part in every English Test but i tried to be positive and do the best yesterday..hahaa i was lucky because the questions were again so straight to the point..but i worried if i got the wrong idea..ya Allah,kepadamu sahaja aku bertawakkal..The format?similar as IELTS writing test..
For your info, during taking IELTS last year, Listening paper was my favourite paper and Alhamdulillah that i got band did help to increase my overall band since my Writing Test's band was only 5.5.. Because of that reason, i hope that the same thing could happen in my MUET..InsyaAllah..
*Registration Slip
MunSyI, shorts for Malaysian University Selection yearly Inventory is actually a psychometrical instrument to measure personality.interest,and carrier conformity to identify an appropriate course for a candidate. Tha questions were all about ourselves.Interesting but confusing.
Example: Kawan karib saya mungkir janji, tetapi saya tidak kecewa.(ya/tidak)
and another one: Saya tidak pernah mungkir janji pada kawan karib saya..(ya/tidak)
Tricky huh?..hahaha
*n0 picture is available for MunSyI paper..huhu
Firman Allah,
'dan berjihadlah kamu dgn sebenar-benar jihad. Dia telah memilih kamu, dan dia tidak menjadikan kesukaran untukmu dalam agama'-al-hajj,78.
1 comment:
actually,soalan tu menguji kita nak blaku jujur atau tak..hehe..
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