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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Perkataan Yang baik..

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Buat semua kawan2 yang sudi melawat blog saya nih...
Setakat waktu ini, Allah masih lagi memberi peluang kepadaku untuk bernafas dan menumpang pijak di Bumi ciptaannya..
Setakat ketika ini, jari-jemariku masih lagi pantas menekan butang2 keyboard di hadapanku ini...
Dia memberiku peluang mengingati-Nya, mengingati nikmatnya yang tidak terbilang seluas langit,selebar bumi..malah lebih lagi dari jangkauan mata kasarku...

Suka kiranya saya nak mengajak kawan2, cuba kita sama2 bertanya pada diri, sejauh mana kita telah menjadi seorang Muslim?..Apabila saya menyebut Muslim di sini?..Apakah yang terbayang dipandangan mata kita..mungkin kita akan terfikir..cukupkah solatku?..puasaku?..sudahkah aku bersedekah?..haji?aku belum mampu..Dan saya bertanya lagi..Sejauh manakah kita dah menjadi seorang muslim yang BAIK?..saya tambah perkataan BAIK tu untuk kita sama2 renung,adakah Muslim itu wajar dipisahkan dengan perkataan BAIK?.. Apabila disebut Muslim sudah tentu pekara2 baik sahaja yang terlintas dalam kotak fikiran.. Begitulah yang saya fikir apabila kali pertama soalan itu muncul dalam fikiran...

Kalau kita lihat sendiri, akhir zaman ni, ramai Muslim yang hanya Islam pada nama..iaitu Islam 'I' besar..kalau nak ikut Bahasa Melayu yang kita belajar masa sekolah dulu, kita kena guna capital letter untuk kata nama khas..yang merujuk pada nama..contoh: Cik Nurul Balqis, Mahallah Maimunah, Kulliyah Of Science, dan sebagainya..padahal sepatutnya seorang islam itu islam dengan islam 'i' kecil...di mana huruf kecil ini digunakan biasanya untuk verb atau perbuatan..Jelas sekali islam itu sendiri adalah perbuatan bukan sekadar nama..Islam adalah satu cara hidup yang melengkapi seluruh aspek kehidupan..ayat buku teks yang kita dok hafal time SPM dulu..adakah kita benar2 faham maksudnya?..jika ya, mengapa kita selalu lupa dan sombong macam kita yang menongkah bumi ni, menongkat langit?

Berbalik kepada tajuk saya..'Perkataan yang Baik'..ade juga perkataan BAIK tuh..berlagak baik betul la Balqis nih..haha..mintak maaf jika ada yang terfikir sebegitu...saya tidak lebih,tidak kurang hanya ingin berkongsi pandangan..moga Allah mengira usaha saya menulis dan perhatian kalian ini sebagai timbangan kebajikan..inshaAllah...Perkataan yang baik ni benda kecil yang selalu kita pandang mudah, tetapi bukan saya yang cakap..Allah memang dah pesan kat dalam kitab dia..antaranya dalam Surah Al-Isra'..

Kadang-kadang kita sebagai manusia nih terlalu mementingkan ego sendiri sehingga susah nak terima teguran orang. Kita sanggup membelakangkan Allah dan Rasul, juga segala ilmu yang telah kita belajar sejak dulu tentang akhlak yang baik semata-mata untuk memelihara keegoan yang sampai bila nak pelihara pon kita tak akan puas.. Ada juga yang sanggup berbunuh-bunuhan hanya kerana memelihara nama. Sampai bilalah kita akan hidup dengan nama besar kita tuh?..sampai bila kita akan hidup dengan harta kita yang melimpah ruah tak habis guna keturunan pun,dengan kecantikan atau ketampanan wajah kita yang tak terperi cantiknya pada pandangan menipu mata manusia padahal dalam pandangan mata Allah kita ni kosong, hina-dina...dan akhirnya kepada Allah jua tempat dikembalikan..

Tidak terlalu kejamlah jika saya buat statement yang propaganda Kafir Laknatullah telah hampir berjaya...tidak berani saya katakan sehampir mana...tetapi kita boleh nilai sendiri apa yang berlaku dalam dunia kita sekarang nih..contoh yang paling dekat ialah FACEBOOK...sejauh mana FACEBOOK ini memberi benefit dalam hidup kita sebagai Muslim?..atau adakah ia sekadar merosakkan akhlak kita?..fikir2kan lah...ada juga kita lihat pertelagahan berleluasa dalam FACEBOOK....bila dikaji siapa yang terlibat..berstatus Muslim..perkataan yang digunakan memang cukup 'enak' untuk didengar dan tidak mencerminkan Muslim yang kita semua tahu fitrahnya baik..Bukannya nak kata ,"HARAM!!!!" ada facebook..saya pun ada account juga..tapi saling ingat-mengingat la kegunaannye.. Contoh if saya tiba2 hanyut dalam gelora FB, kawan2 saya tolong la tarik saya kembali ke Siratul Mustaqim ye tak?..itulah gunanya kawan yang seiman, sefikrah dengan kita... tapi ade juga caranya, jangan la dimalukan saya ni dikhalayak umum..mau bukan saya nak ikut nasihat kawan tuh,saya lagi benci dengan orang yang memberi nasihat tuh..lagi dibuat pula kesalahan itu semata2 menyakitkan hati kawan yang menegur dengan tidak berhikmah tadi..consequence nye?..hancurlah brotherhood..sesama Muslim dah jadi musuh no.1..kalau sesama Muslim dah jadi lawan, siapa yang hang nak harapkan jadi kawan?..Orang Bukan Islam?!harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi..mereka lagi benci kat hang, hang tau dak?..(tiba2 tukar loghat..maap org kedah!hehe=)) sebab itu mahal sungguh hubungan sesama Muslim ni..Habluminallah, habluminannas, dua2 kena jaga naa..

Wahai sahabat2 ku..bilakah waktunya kita akan sedar yang Kafir laknatullah itu sedang gembira bertepuk tangan, ketawa tak ingat dunia melihat senario pemuda-pemuda Islam zaman ini..terlalu jelas yang pemuda Islam kini tidak sehaluan..masing-masing mengakui diri masing2 betul sehingga sukar menghadam nasihat orang lain..suka saya ingatkan terutama diri sendiri bahawa fitrah islam itu baik..lembut..setiap apa yang dilakukan mesti berlandaskan Al-Quran dan Sunnah..saya juga tidak alim dalam memahami kedua-dua sumber agung ini..masih lagi belajar..namun, memetik syarahan Ustaz Abdul Rezak tyme lecture, Islam itu mudah..be good, thats it!.. Dah jadi islam dah..

Gerun bila fikir apa yang Kafir laknatullah rancang selama ini, sudahpun menampakkan hasilnya..tinggal nak kutip hasil je...bayangkanlah, kalau tiba2 Malaysia diserang..berapa kerat jela yang nak mengangkat senjata memperjuangkan agama kita..yang selebihnya sibuk dengan perkara2 lagha yang diasaskan Kafir Laknatullah tu sendiri...masih dibawah sedar..gerun jika Allah murka dengan kita..

Apa yang saya post ni tidak lebih hanya untuk mengingatkan diri saya sendiri..INSAN pun derive dari perkataan NASA yang bermaksud lupa...so setiap insan tidak akan pernah lari dari sifat lupa.. Yang sempurna itu hanya Allah..namun manusia itu wajib ingat-mengingatkan agar tidak tergolong dalam golongan orang-orang yang rugi..inshaAllah..

Wallahu a'alam...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sweet Home of Mine!

assalamualaikum..stay at home in almost 6 months give me a lot of awesome experiences..start from recieving A-Level results on January, taking driving test on February, work as a part time salesgirl at a minimarket...and interview and after this more and more interviews i guess..all this things actually making my life more colourful..tears and laughs do thier job at just a right time and place..after bad things transfigured,happy things came to make me smile again..this is what we called life..
Allah had decide everything for us to go through.. We know that anything happened to us is what we are able to bear. But why we still sad and crying day and night long..aren't we grateful?.. All we have now are certainly not mine but Allah's bounty to His lovers..all of us clear with this, but some forget..
Show our expression of gratitude to God by do what He ask and leave His prohibition. Start with rectifying your solat..because solat is the head of ibadah.. We can feel much more closer to Allah when we perform our solat in an open-heart. InsyaAllah.. We'll also become a better and better person from day to day..plus,becoming a strong-minded muslim muslimah.. aminn..

This previous few weeks, i have spent much of my while at home..i need to settle housework before 11 in the morning and usually i will serve lunch for my family..as i am still fresh in this field (cooking), i can cook only simple-cooked food such as sambal, 'masak air', 'goreng kicap'..vegetables are the easiest food to cook..but i haven't learn how to cook food of coconut cream based..now i really want to cook chicken curry but my mum in this last few days fonds of cooking early in the morning because she want to bring some food as supply so that she do not need to buy food during lunch..this is good for our family economy but not for me..i need to improve my cooking skill..hehe
To tell you the truth,i met someone that is also 20..my neighbour..she is beautiful and born in wealth family...she has so much advantages to be compared with me..she is competent in driving and the most important thing is she is really a good cooker..haha don't misunderstand..cooking is my passion, i really do not influenced by her..haha but i was thinking, how can't she become so talented..i m not jealous ok!(still denying..hahaha..) Whatever it is, i want to improve myself in cooking as well as preparing myself to be a good wife..omg!.. To all young girls out there..no matter wherever you are,in the country or overseas..just learn how to cook.. because i think it worth..hihi see you next time..assalamualaikum

after expert in cooking curry, i want to learn how to make sushi then..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


no call..no news from UIA.. Sandy said that UIA Kuantan was still discussing with UIA Gombak about our interviews last month.. I hope that UIA will give chance to all those who attended the interviews..it was only 11 of us..haha no need to complicate such a simple thing..you give us place, then we'll see..we will give you our best so that you won't regret selecting us in the first place.. that is my promise..not only for UIA but for myself, my beloved parents.. Others might think how desperate are this people..besides, some will show kind of sympathy and some will criticise.. Whatever it is, this kind of people who fall but strive their best to stand up again are the people that always success at the end..aminn..
i think, i had not given my best during the interview..lack of practise and weak English empowering reduce my confidence to win judges' hearts..the only hopes are prayers..

Sunday, April 25, 2010

MUET and MunSyI..


Yesterday was my MUET and MunSyI exam. Alhamdulillah, everything was going fine. MUET started at 8a.m. while MunSyI was at 4p.m.

7.45a.m. candidates were allowed to enter examination hall..it was quite surprising when i saw the private individual candidates took part about one over three of the total number of candidates..at first,i thought it won't be that much..huhu but it made me more relax..

First paper was 800/3 Reading that contains 45 questions with long 6 passages. Frankly speaking, the paper was not so tough but still, lack of practice won't help. The passages were easy to understand but i was distracted by some words that i don't know the meanings..huhu..but Alhamdulillah, i manage to answer all questions before while.
Writing is my weakest part in every English Test but i tried to be positive and do the best yesterday..hahaa i was lucky because the questions were again so straight to the point..but i worried if i got the wrong idea..ya Allah,kepadamu sahaja aku bertawakkal..The format?similar as IELTS writing test..
For your info, during taking IELTS last year, Listening paper was my favourite paper and Alhamdulillah that i got band 7.5.it did help to increase my overall band since my Writing Test's band was only 5.5.. Because of that reason, i hope that the same thing could happen in my MUET..InsyaAllah..


*Registration Slip

MunSyI, shorts for Malaysian University Selection yearly Inventory is actually a psychometrical instrument to measure personality.interest,and carrier conformity to identify an appropriate course for a candidate. Tha questions were all about ourselves.Interesting but confusing.

Example: Kawan karib saya mungkir janji, tetapi saya tidak kecewa.(ya/tidak)

and another one: Saya tidak pernah mungkir janji pada kawan karib saya..(ya/tidak)

Tricky huh?..hahaha

*n0 picture is available for MunSyI paper..huhu

Firman Allah,
'dan berjihadlah kamu dgn sebenar-benar jihad. Dia telah memilih kamu, dan dia tidak menjadikan kesukaran untukmu dalam agama'-al-hajj,78.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


15th April was the date I went for an interview at International Islamic University Malaysia(IIUM) for Dentistry Course. For your information, before I had a call from IIUM, all that I knew was IIUM had rejecting my online application for don't know what reason. I was very grateful that IIUM actually had some problems with their computer system on that time.. But I worried because I have only few days to prepare for the interview. I just do a quick research and googled some infos about IIUM and Dentistry but unluckily, I failed to print it.
A day before the interview, I had a short practice session with my friend Sandy. She also chosen for the interview. I thought, it was a good idea since Sandy ia a competant English user but I don't know whether it works.. The one n half hours conversation was really important to me to gain strength and catch some tips from Sandy..
On the counted day, we ( my family and I) arrived IIUM safely. But my heart still 'lup-dup'ing vigorously. Proudly announced that I was the first candidate arrived at about 9.45a.m.. It was to early since the interview will be started at 11a.m.. My family and I waited in front of the meeting room,level 1, Kulliyyah of Dentistry which is the vanue of the interview. I was slightly regret because I haven't take any picture there. Do you think that I'll dare to do that when I was really scared?haha..
Umai was called to enter the meeting room.. I didn't know why I feel like I was the next. As what I expected, I was called after Umai.. There were four panels in the room. Two men as well as women. I tried to relax all my muscles but I worried it looked fake.hehe.. I sat straight to a men that looked like the Dean of Kulliyyah of Dentistry.. i did not know but I just think he is the dean..huhu..
I was asked to introduce myself at first. Then the dean asked me a killer question, " You are not so good for India,so, do you think that you're good enough for us?" I answered, "Yes." then I gave reasons why actually I did not make well in my A-level.. My English is not so fluent, and to be frank I a little bit worried because what I know, they will choose people mainly from their English speaking..mmm, but I hope that they can judge me based on other characteristics that will make me qualified. The last question from the dean was, " Do you good in art? " I just say yes because I have talent in drawing and decorating. For me,that are also part of art. Then, surprisingly, he asked me to wave ketupat..oh my god, I don't know how to wave ketupat.. he gave me two ribbons that were tiny, curly and silky.."You can go out first and come back with your ketupat..a nice one,okay?" hahaha..i just smile and seek help from my dad..outside the meeting room, I saw Umai was actually being help by others to create an origami of a bird. I went downstairs to find my dad but after few times trying, he failed to wave it..plus,wind was blowing strongly. it made the process to wave ketupat even harder..At last, Umai's mum willing to help..eventually, a cute little ketupat was formed.haha thanks to umai's mum for helping..after a few minutes, I was called again.. I handed on the ketupat and they were smiling to see such a cute ketupat..I admitted that it was not my hand-made, Umairah's mum made it for me..hehe..one of them said, "so, we should take Umairah's mum!" everyone was laughing..I quickly said that eventhough that, I helped her to adjust the ribbons and tightened the ketupat..then, they all just smiling at me..
The result will be annouced at the end of this month by calling the persons who success..person who unlucky will not being called and the official letter will be sent on June.
I hope that I will make it and what is more important that I can pursue my study to become someone one day.By the grace of Allah, I am still living peacely with so many poeple love and care about me.Thanks to ibu and ayah for being always by my side and share every happiness and sadness I endure. Sometimes, I think that I'm the most lucky person in this world.

These are some picture i took at Teluk Cempedak,Kuantan,Pahang..just stop by to have a lunch here..look at that air kelapa..they tasted great!huhu okay,see you again on the next post..


Friday, April 16, 2010

after so long..

after so long,i didn't write anything in this blog,even open it..but recently,someone had reveal me the benefits of writing blog constantly and frequently..haha after that i realize that blogging can help me to improve myself in many aspects..

i can't explain why i was silent for quiet a long time..maybe i wanted to calm myself after i faced a really tough anticipation..and maybe because i don't have internet at home and need to go to cc everytime..it is quiet a good reason,i suppose..but no matter how many maybe i outline,now i m back as a new jessamine..and i hope i can share my knowledge and experience in here..

i kept so many stories in this pass few month..and don't worry..tomorrow never die..for the nex post i want to tell about my experience having an interview in UIA Kuantan yesterday..ok..got to go..
